Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Remaining PES 2015 Updates

Hi guys, I'm sure you have all seen all the news over the last few days about PES 2016, with plenty more to come during E3. This got me thinking about where to go with the rest of my PES 2015 updates, first up being the release date of September. Depending on your region PES 2016 will be released on either 15th/17th/18th of September with the demo coming in late August, this makes me think that updating summer transfers is a waste of time as it will take me until at least a week after the transfer deadline to complete them all (so basically a week before the new game is released).

So there will be two more updates to my PES 2015 OF which will have the following....

  • More player appearances
  • Missing transfers (up to 31st May)
  • More fixed manager/stadium names
  • Possibly a few more team imports
  • 2015/16 kits for unlicensed teams
There will be on update in early July and the other in early August, you can decide if you would rather have my updates or stick with what has been done so far and do your own transfers if you would like them. This will give me five or six weeks to take a break from editing to decide if I have the time/energy to do it all again for PES 2016.

If (and at the moment it's still a if) I make a PES 2016 OF I haven't decided what format it will be on. The news that PS4 will be able to import images for kits and emblems is great, but at the moment there is still no news on sharing OF's. Currently I don't have a PS4, but if OF sharing is announced then it may make me upgrade earlier than I planned. I will make a decision in late August on if I will release a PES 2016 OF and what format it will be on.

Cheers, Paul

Monday, 8 June 2015

New Update Out Now (Jun8)

Hi guys, the new update is now ready to dowload, it is just the new/updated files so make sure you have all the previous updates. It contains....

Player Appearances
Over 600 new player appearances have been added, taking the total to over 1000, a big thanks to who & kitfisto for helping me add them. I've updated the player appearances page with all the new ones.

NT Kits
More new NT kits have been added, more will follow in future updates.

More Brazilian transfers have been done up to 31st May, some are still missing. From the next update I will start updating summer transfers as well as completing more transfers I have missed from Argentina/Brazil. Because of the updates some Brazilian team line ups are messed up.

Manger/Stadium Names
Manager/Stadium names have been fixed for the Eredivisie as well as some Brazilian teams.

Team Imports
Two new team imports have been added, they are Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk and Debreceni. Yhanks to milanello for the initial imports that I updated & made compatible with my OF.

There are other small changes as well.

Enjoy, Paul